Chapter of Opening the Mouth of Time

in Internationaal Filmfestival, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, from 01 Feb 2007 to

A non-stop digital vortex for which I intercut images of my “AntiSade Press calendar for 2007” with 365 snapshots, more images, notes, words and things from my 2006/2007 DAAD-residence in Berlin.


AMVK about: "Chapter of Opening the Mouth of Time":

When I was about 40 I made a book, sort of an agenda, that I called "Belgian Spleen". Therein I selected thoughts and notes from the past 15 years (1975-1991). I catalogued those writings according to the days of the year they appeared to me. This I did to see if certain thoughts reoccur and evolute related to the seasons. This to find more insight in my inner chaos, where thoughts are hormonally steered, and that is not only a female reality. I know that thoughts are matter, in an other mode of existence. They transform and morph themselves with what enters as daily information, together with what reverberates in memory and the subconscious.

That is also the reason why I repeat the words every month on the same day in "Chapter of Opening the Mouth of Time". To use the arbitrarity of language and name-giving as a nutritive element. As a living element indeed, because every time you see a word reappearing in an other context, at a likely moment in time, something moves on in the brain.
That brain tries to intercept a story and a dimension that intrigues.
That story and that dimension make the spectator move on. On that moment I also happen to become a spectator. Whilst working I see that this mode of operating parries every moralistic prejudice, which is right away the creative part of the venture.


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