Documentaire terugblik op een residentie

in Frans Masereel Centrum, Kasterlee, Belgium, from 12 Apr 2014 to 16 May 2014

DOCU-PRESS - documentary review on a residency


The exhibition DOCU-PRESS shows a selection of AMVK's printed work from the seventies up till now. During her residency in January this year Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven made a series of silkscreens with the title 'Verborgen Lagen' (Hidden Layers). It was the fascination for the production process of the one forgotten Flemish tradition, tapestry, that inspired AMVK. In analogy with the ancient weaving techniques, Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven searched to unravel the technical components of a printed image. In this way, attention is given tot the human errors, the irregularities that arise during the process of printing. The aberrant copies reveal an unexpected mildness of the mechanical process.

For the first time in its history, Frans Masereel Centrum invites artists to reside at the centre and make new work in the workshop. During the stay the experiment is central. The artist is being challenged to critically interrogate the printing techniques and place them in relation to his/her own artistic work. Its a concerte research into the value of graphic techniques for the artistic process, and into the possibilities new printing have to translate content-related and thematical questions.

DOCU-PRESS has an explicit documentary nature. The presentation shows the different layers of the creation process and establishes links from other art disciplines. This review on a residency shows what the graphic techniques mean to the artist, and what impulses they can give to an artistic oeuvre.

0 works and 1 articles (until now)