The Road Is Clear is an exhibition/happening about the urgency of diversity acknowledgement. In the first of the series we address contemporary gender related issues mainly about female inclusivity. Here we state that diversity is not gender related. The exhibition setting is a place to express contemporary issues not just to please the public with "salable stuff for commercial gain". We purposefully selected a group exhibition made by a full female selection to emphasize female diversity in a setting away from the patriarch. Even though we are not exclusive to men, this is the optimal situation to prove our point, and prove it we will.
"If the exhibition setting is a reflection of daily life and we need to be inclusive, will we be included in a male world or will we have an individual voice or will we be accepted contextually?" Those are questions you can ask yourself within this exhibition.You can appreciate this internationally acclaimed selections' beauty, relevance and historic value as well as a very diverse exhibition where contextualisation is key!
The exhibition also functions as a 'Trigger Party' (a term appropriated from the 60s movement 'situationist international') where the selected artists are given an absolute free platform to express their voice in direct communication with the public and untouched by a political intention. We will set up a public livestream in an all inclusive setting generating an opportunity for direct public discourse.
A diverse selection in media is prevalent in the exhibition: performance, painting, photography, sculpture, video, virtual reality, installation, in situ...
We kindly invite everyone interested for an open dialogue in this 3 day only exhibition/happening.
You will find more info on the artists, vernissage, afterparty and our livestream below:
Alice Vanderschoot (be) https://www.alicevanderschoot.be/
Alix De Jonge (be) https://alixdejonge.hotglue.me/
Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven (be) https://www.amvk.be/
Annelies Van Camp (be) https://anneliesvancamp.com/
Christine Clinckx (be) http://www.clinckx.net/
Elke Andreas Boon (be) https://www.elkeandreasboon.com/www.elkeandreasboon.com/home.html
Grace Ndiritu (kenya/gb) http://www.gracendiritu.com/
Hanne Louisia (be) https://vimeo.com/user15154458
Helena Cnockaert (be) (website under construction)
Liliane Vertessen (be) http://ensembles.mhka.be/actors/liliane-vertessen
Lise Harlev (ger) https://www.liseharlev.com/
Lucia Rosalie (nl/be) (website under construction)
Margarita Maximova (ru/be) http://www.margaritamaximova.be/
Margret Wibmer (nl) http://margretwibmer.eu/
Marie Cloquet (be) https://www.mariecloquet.com/
Marie-Fleur Lefebvre (fr/be) https://www.mariefleurlefebvreworks.com/
Marijke De Roover (be) https://www.marijkederoover.space/
Nadia Naveau (be) https://www.basealphagallery.be/artists-of-the-gallery/nadia-naveau/
Natasja Mabesoone (be) https://www.instagram.com/natasja.mabesoone/?fbclid=IwAR2Ap1OsXHRgMRnnEwGYR2FTVSQ22g0yMEtlU_s8Dfw8ixHwzuD3jZ0aKJU
Natalia Portnoy (pl/nl) https://www.instagram.com/nataliaportnoy/?fbclid=IwAR2k929C_7XvT0s6JE18ob5oAc-HtCNRNqoQdw7SQfRVtp3Ifu_27hi6M5k
Nathalie Vanheule (be) http://www.nathalievanheule.be/
Olga Fedorova (ru/be) https://www.instagram.com/olgamikhfedorova/?hl=en
Olya Kurachyova (Pussy Riot) (ru) https://www.facebook.com/olya.kurachyova
Sandrine Deumier (fr) http://sandrinedeumier.com/
Stien Bekaert (be) http://www.stienbekaert.be/
Stripper Angel (be) http://www.elisabethvandam.com/
Torri Nickmans (be) https://www.torrinickmans.com/
Vicky Lema (be) https://vickylema.be/en
Live acts on vernissage:
G A U S S https://www.facebook.com/thisisgauss/
Dolly Bing Bing
Marijke De Roover
Dj Lucia (The Word, Red Light Radio Amsterdam, STROOM)
Natché (dj and visuals)
Timetable coming up soon
opening @19h till ...
Saturday 30/11/2019 from 18h
Panelmaster: Daria Szewczuk
Sofie Crabbé (HARTmag)
Elisabeth Van Dam (artist)
Nathalie Vanheule (co-curator, artist)
Marijke De Roover (artist)
Public questions available and interaction via Facebook (stay tuned for the link)
Sponsored by Stad Gent & In De Ruimte
Transmitting the gallery space to a third party. A trigger Party.
from 29 Nov 2019 to 01 Dec 2019
in In De Ruimte, Gent, Belgium.